Anatomy of a Check

Anatomy of a Check Diagram
  1. SymbolChoose from 45 fun symbols.
  2. Personal Information Choose from 7 lettering styles for your name and address. Your personal information will appear as you enter it in the upper left corner of your checks. For the security of your checks we do not recommend including your Driver’s License, date of birth or Social Security number.
  3. Your Financial Institution We work with your financial institution to print the most accurate information on your checks.
  4. The Padlock Symbol This sign of security directs you to the back of the check where safety features are listed.
    Features include:
    • Chemical Protection Stains – Stains will appear if someone tries to chemically alter your checks.
    • Erasure Protection – Black marks will appear if information is erased.
    • Security Screen – The "Original Document" on the back of your checks can’t be reproduced.
  1. MyLinesTM Message Have a personal statement printed on your checks.
  2. MicroPrint Signature Line Small type in the signature line appears as dotted line when photocopied.
  1. Routing Number The first set of numbers located on the bottom left corner of your checks.
  2. Account Number The second set of numbers located on the bottom left corner of your checks.
  3. Check Number The third set of numbers located on the bottom left corner of your checks. This number should match the check number located in the upper right corner of your checks.